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Bacchetta Bicycles feed

Bacchetta's recumbent bikes are built to satisfy the needs of even the most critical bike rider. Their bikes are designed to offer the absolutely best in recumbent bicycle performance, speed, and handling. Whether you are a casual rider, or a competitive recumbent racing enthusiast, their full line of two-wheel recumbent bikes contains the perfect model for you!

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Bacchetta Corsa

Bacchetta's high-performance 650c recumbent. Light, fast, and a blast to ride. 

Bacchetta Corsa 24

For a person who is on their tiptoes, this will put you almost flat footed and give you a lot more riding confidence. 

Bacchetta Corsa S/S

The Corsa performance bike, plus an upgraded component package. What's not to like? 

Bacchetta Giro-20

Not only does this bike take the rigors of commuting and touring head on with its time tested chromoly frame, its stretched wheelbase also takes on potholes and rough roads with ease. 

Bacchetta Giro-20 ATT

Take the Giro-20 and add a high-end components spec, for an all-around high-performing 'bent. 

Bacchetta Giro-26

The perfect solution for recumbent riders that love the dual 26" recumbent format for commuting and hardcore touring. 

Bacchetta Strada

Bacchetta's entry-level 650c performance 'bent. 

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Bacchetta Giro-26

Bacchetta Giro-26

The perfect solution for recumbent riders that love the dual 26" recumbent format for commuting and hardcore touring.

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Last Updated: Tuesday, 04 January 2011 23:25

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RBR storefront

1306 S. Atherton St.
State College, PA 16801
(814) 234-4636

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SUN Closed

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Customer Quotes

" For preparation, price and service I can highly recommend a recumbent purchase from Recumbent Bikeriders. "

Jay M. "BentJay" Singer

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