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Big Cat HPV feed

Paulo Camasmie and Big Cat HPV have been in the market of selling trikes for nearly 10 years and have consistently introduced improvements to their product line over that time. Their trikes are stiff, light, and have a model range to suit nearly any rider. Find the Cat that fits you and you'll never want to get out of it. And new for 2010, Big Cat has broken into the low racer bike market with their impressive Catbike Musashi.

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Catrike 700

An all-out speed Catrike. Its aerodynamics seating position, fast rolling 700C wheel and high gears, give it a top performance. 

Catrike Dash

Finally a Cat for the kittens! The Catrike Dash is for the kids that eye your big Cat with envy. 

Catrike Expedition

A Sport-Luxury Catrike with a wide track and long wheel base. It is capable of handling heavy loads for long distance touring and it is still a fast machine with a very wide gear range. 

Catrike Pocket

A small frame Catrike with big features. It has a narrow track and improved weight distribution that is perfect for smaller riders. 

Catrike Road

A Premium multi-purpose Catrike. It is great for the trail, commuting or touring the World. 

Catrike Speed

A Performance Catrike loaded with fun. It can corner like its on rails and it is still capable of light touring and commuting. 

Catrike Trail

A Budget-Priced multi-purpose Catrike. Its stable geometry and friendly ergonomics make it a great trike for novices and veterans alike. 

Catrike Villager

This is an affordable, user-friendly Catrike that anyone can ride. It features a higher seat, 20” wheels, a wider stance and incredible ground clearance. 

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Last Updated: Wednesday, 05 January 2011 05:09

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State College, PA 16801
(814) 234-4636

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" Your patience was commendable and we will gladly refer anyone to you who sees our bike and asks where they can be purchased. "

Herb & Kate W, PA

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