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Trident Trikes feed

Trident Trikes is the new kid on the block, but is committed to innovation, customer service, and the most value in the Recumbent Trike market today! They are riders themselves, and are attuned to the needs of Recumbent Trike riders worldwide. Trident Trikes are covered by a 5 Year Limited Warranty. Trident Trikes doesn't believe in charging extra for those parts that other manufacturers consider options. Trident Trikes Models come STANDARD with rear racks, a full set of 3 fenders, a safety flag, pedals, front and rear lights, and mirror. Others charge up to $400 for these options.

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Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike

The Chameleon Convertitrike is like two trikes in one. It comes as a tandem but can break down to a single trike in less than 30 minutes. 

Trident Trikes Stowaway I

The Trident Trikes Stowaway represents incredible value in a budget price. 

Trident Trikes Stowaway II

Same great value as the Stowaway I but with a slightly higher component level. 

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Trident Trikes Stowaway II

Trident Trikes Stowaway II

Same great value as the Stowaway I but with a slightly higher component level.

Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike

Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike

The Chameleon Convertitrike is like two trikes in one. It comes as a tandem but can break down to a single trike in less than 30 minutes.

Trident Trikes Stowaway I

Trident Trikes Stowaway I

The Trident Trikes Stowaway represents incredible value in a budget price.

Last Updated: Monday, 03 January 2011 23:51

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RBR storefront

1306 S. Atherton St.
State College, PA 16801
(814) 234-4636

Hours (EST)

SUN Closed

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Customer Quotes

" It was a pleasure meeting you and doing business with you.  I know that there will be many inquiries as I ride up and down the hills and our neighborhood and plan to send them all your way. "

Andy P, PA

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