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The Edge Koosah unveiled
Posted by Travis on 2009.05.03 at 07:14:04

Razors Edge announced back in February that the resurrected Koosah was shipping out to retailers.  And now it's here in the shop!  The step-through frame on the long wheel base recumbent Koosah makes it a breeze to mount.  But really, I just take the pictures when new stuff comes in, so here they are:

Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah :: Razors Edge Koosah ::

Tags: photos | burley | koosah | edge | razors

Hits: 115

HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs trike photos
Posted by Travis on 2009.04.30 at 08:06:45

The ultra-observant will notice that none of the foliage in the background of these photos is in bloom.  That's because these photos have been sitting around, just waiting for me to post them.  Their time is now.  Their place... is here.

Wow, that was sort of dramatic!  Now I'll do it in the tone of a movie trailer: In a world... on a road... with a chipseal surface... One trike dared to defy the rough ride... And dared all to suspend their disbelief.  The HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs, folding and springing to a recumbent shop near you (like RBR) now!

HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs :: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs ::

Tags: suspension | folding | trike | recumbent | fs | scorpion | velotechnik | hp

Hits: 51

Monkey in the middle
Posted by Travis on 2009.04.30 at 07:31:58

Sorry, I don't mean to suggest that Bob "The Bike Man" Swaim is a monkey, but how else can one quickly describe his custom Bilenky for two stokers and a captain?

Coincidentally, Bob is in town this week for back-to-back bike events.  One could consider his visit to RBR to be the "middle" of his stay.

And with that, I bid you adieu with these photos before Bob arrests me while wearing that bobbie hat.

Bob's Bilenky custom :: A 2/3rds recumbent tandem Bob's Bilenky custom :: Bob the bobbie shows off his Bilenky

Tags: bob swaim | bilenky | custom | tandem | back-to-back | push me pull me

Hits: 45

RBR mentioned in Adventure Cyclist guide
Posted by Travis on 2009.04.24 at 02:06:35

Adventure Cyclist has their 2009 touring bike buyer's guide available for download and wouldn't you know it, we got a mention on page 8 in the recumbent sidebar and are the only recumbent specific dealer listed.

I wanted to take credit for it by claiming my incredible blogging skills were responsible for the mention, but I'll back off and give the credit to Rob for running a very friendly operation.

And my blogging skills.

Adventure Cyclist :: Hey look!  There we are! I highlighted it in red so you wouldn't miss it. That was nice of me.

Tags: adventure cyclist | recumbents | touring | press | guide

Hits: 67

Ride the Dinosaur Trail 500
Posted by Travis on 2009.04.17 at 02:38:08

Chris Malloy, of Toyota headrest fame, wrote to let us know that he has organized a 500 mile race through central Montana. He is also ensuring that it remains open to recumbents, handcycles, and velomobiles.

The race is June 5-7, so head out to Montana for the Dinosaur Trail 500 and then head back to PA for the RBR Rally so you can tell us how a metric century is a cakewalk in comparison.



Hits: 114

WARNING: Blatant self-promotion ahead!
Posted by Travis on 2009.04.07 at 01:21:41

As RBR's resident blogger, I try not to waste any space and time talking about myself, because, honestly, I'm just not that interesting.

So I hope you'll indulge me for just a moment as I mention that I'll be riding in my first ever Keystone Country MS-150 this year as part of Team Minitab.  As such, I'm reaching out via every outlet I have to raise money for MS research and treatment as part of my ride participation.

If you have a moment to read about the ride and, possibly, contribute a donation in support of my taking on the diamond frame folks, please visit my sponsorship site.

Thanks for letting me interrupt the blog for a moment.  And to make this recumbent related... I'll be riding my HP Velotechnik Speedmachine all 150 miles.

UPDATE: Now with less Facebook linkage.  Don't know how that got in there.

Tags: speedmachine | velotechnik | hp | donation | sponsor | ride | country | keystone | multiple sclerosis | ms-150

Hits: 176

More stickers!
Posted by Travis on 2009.04.01 at 01:00:01

Some of you might recall that Denny Vorhees started doing recumbent decals about 9 months ago.  Well, a second player has now entered the "market".

ABCWings Graphics is now creating recumbent decals and has been known to take requests.  At $6 a sticker and $7 a keychain, it's not a bad deal.

ABCWings.com :: ABCWings.com :: ABCWings.com ::

Tags: recumbent | stickers | decals

Comments 2 | Hits: 234

Lying down on the job?
Posted by Travis on 2009.03.17 at 02:37:32

This image comes courtesy of Fast FWD and has zero context. But it begs the question - what would Obama ride?

Obama on a Munzo :: Change you can believe in?

Tags: obama | recumbent | munzo | fast FWD

Hits: 318

Low racer sale on now
Posted by Travis on 2009.03.11 at 06:07:43
We have four full low racers and a low racer frame kit in stock and ready to sell.  Check out our sale page for details and better photos than I normally take.

Tags: low | racer | optima | baron | challenge | fujin | sl | sale | recumbent | bicycles

Hits: 464

TerraTrike Snakeskin - fully assembled
Posted by Travis on 2009.02.24 at 22:07:20

Apologies for the delay in getting these posted.  As a reward for your patience, I'm including a photo that Rob asked me not to.  Sorry Rob.

TerraTrike Snakeskin :: On the rug and ready to roll TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Rob takes it for a cold, cold ride. TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Fortunately, Rob is warm blooded.

Tags: cold | trike | recumbent | photos | snakeskin | terratrike

Hits: 567

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State College, PA 16801
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