Here comes the Rover

Could we interest you in a trike that will fit just about everyone in your family (without adjusting the chain), can break down into smaller chunks for transport, has a 5′ turning radius, an easy-to-sit-in seat (18 inches high!) and sells for as little as $799? Oh, sorry, we thought that might be appealing. That’s

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How to fold an ICE trike

You might remember all those photos we had of the then largely veiled 2010 ICE trikes from Interbike 2009. During that week, we begged ICE to let us shoot video of the folding mechanism, but they asked that we refrain so they could make their own splash with their successful launch. Well now the trikes

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TerraTrike tandem now $4599

Tandems are a great ride for a lot of people, especially people who like to come along but don’t always like to help pedal. Don’t tell your captain we said that. If you were thinking about purchasing a tandem trike, good news for you! TerraTrike has dropped the price of their tadpole tandem to $4599

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Sidewinder Pro Cruiser photos

Sidewinder Cycles recently posted a message on the RBR Facebook page, which brought me to the realization that we didn’t have a set of photos for the Pro Cruiser or the Roadrunner. Well, we sold the Roadrunner before I could get my camera out, but our Pro Cruiser sat still just long enough for me

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