Recumbent and Trike Workstand

What shop could say no to a work stand that suits recumbent bikes and trikes? It was with that weakness in mind that we purchased a stand from the owner of Our primary interest is in mounting trikes to it, so we threw a TerraTrike Path on it to see how it fit. It

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Catrike Dash photopalooza


There’s nothing that caps a successful Friday like using “palooza” at the end of a word. For example, what follows is a photopalooza of the Catrike Dash, a veritable recumbapalooza of trikapalooza proportions. And for those who have been wondering how the size of the Dash compares to other trikes, we lined it up with

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News from ICE on the 2010 Trice lineup!


Exciting news from ICE regarding the changes to their TRICE line of recumbent trikes in 2010. I’ll let them speak for themselves: We’re pleased to announce the new 2010 Trice. 22 years of trike design experience and combined with ground breaking innovation, setting the standard in advanced trike design. New features include optional front suspension,

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Sidewinder Pro Cruiser photos


Sidewinder Cycles recently posted a message on the RBR Facebook page, which brought me to the realization that we didn’t have a set of photos for the Pro Cruiser or the Roadrunner. Well, we sold the Roadrunner before I could get my camera out, but our Pro Cruiser sat still just long enough for me

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TerraTrike Cruiser flair


Granted, what I’m about to reveal is not all that Earth-shattering, but it is an RBR exclusive news item! You heard it here first. Or, rather, are about to hear it. As soon as I get to it. It seems that the paint scheme of the TerraTrike Cruiser has changed ever so slightly to now

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