Sidewinder Cycles recently posted a message on the RBR Facebook page, which brought me to the realization that we didn’t have a set of photos for the Pro Cruiser or the Roadrunner. Well, we sold the Roadrunner before I could get my camera out, but our Pro Cruiser sat still just long enough for me
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Lincoln on a recumbent
This is the year of putting presidents on bents. I guess that would make them presibents. You might recall that we’ve posted a couple of items regarding Obama on recumbents, but now we’re going back, way back courtesy of The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien who shows us a grand new design for the US
Continue reading »TerraTrike Cruiser flair
Granted, what I’m about to reveal is not all that Earth-shattering, but it is an RBR exclusive news item! You heard it here first. Or, rather, are about to hear it. As soon as I get to it. It seems that the paint scheme of the TerraTrike Cruiser has changed ever so slightly to now
Continue reading »Optima Orca recumbent bike photos
We’re so used to seeing Optima low racers go through the shop that it is somewhat shocking to assemble and ride something like the Optima Orca SWB bike with its dual 26″ wheels. But that’s not as shocking as the nearly neon yellow/green of the stock color. Don’t worry about flying a flag while riding
Continue reading »Greenspeed X5 recumbent trike photos
Looking at these Greenspeed X5 photos after the fact, I realized that I was so busy getting the detailed shots that I forgot the most basic trike photo angle of all – the flat side shot. What can I say? It was hot outside, and I was sitting on pavement. My brain must have been
Continue reading »A Tale of Two Trek R200s
One fine day, a couple arrived at their local recumbent bike shop with two startlingly red bikes in tow. Neither had a scuff, all the components were original, and even the seats looked factory fresh. “So how many miles do you have on them? More than 100?” asked the proprietor of the shop. The couple
Continue reading »Catrike reveals the Dash – a recumbent trike for kids
That mystery didn’t last long! The Catrike web site was updated today with a bold, red Flash ad for their newest addition – the Catrike Dash. It is a recumbent trike built specifically for kids. And, I might be crazy, but the whole thing looks to be inspired by the character of Dash from the
Continue reading »Does Catrike have a 27 spd Villager up its sleeve?
UPDATE: Yeah… uh… The Villager has had a 27 speed option for a while now. This has nothing to do with the new Catrike model rumor. Sorry about that. The rumor mill is currently grinding about news that a new Catrike is on the way. Believe it or not, I’m not usually privy to such
Continue reading »This trike has appeal
Oh no… I can’t believe I so quickly went for the pun! This is what happens when I go for a week without posting anything new. The pent up need to be clever surfaces in terrible and frightful ways. But not as terrible and frightful as a man so requiring potassium that he decides to
Continue reading »New at RBR: Recumbent News
Recumbent news is new? Then what’s all this blogging stuff? Believe me, I understand the potential for confusion, but here’s the deal. The Blog is where we chat about the shop, present original content (photos, videos, articles), and let the resident blogger yammer on about cycling in general and recumbents in particular. Recumbent News is
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