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WARNING: Blatant self-promotion ahead!
2009.04.07 01:21:41

As RBR's resident blogger, I try not to waste any space and time talking about myself, because, honestly, I'm just not that interesting.

So I hope you'll indulge me for just a moment as I mention that I'll be riding in my first ever Keystone Country MS-150 this year as part of Team Minitab.  As such, I'm reaching out via every outlet I have to raise money for MS research and treatment as part of my ride participation.

If you have a moment to read about the ride and, possibly, contribute a donation in support of my taking on the diamond frame folks, please visit my sponsorship site.

Thanks for letting me interrupt the blog for a moment.  And to make this recumbent related... I'll be riding my HP Velotechnik Speedmachine all 150 miles.

Tags: ms-150 | multiple sclerosis | keystone | country | ride | sponsor | donation | hp | velotechnik | speedmachine

Hits: 28 |

More stickers!
2009.04.01 01:00:01

Some of you might recall that Denny Vorhees started doing recumbent decals about 9 months ago.  Well, a second player has now entered the "market".

ABCWings Graphics is now creating recumbent decals and has been known to take requests.  At $6 a sticker and $7 a keychain, it's not a bad deal.

ABCWings.com :: ABCWings.com :: ABCWings.com ::

Tags: recumbent | stickers | decals

Comments 2 | Hits: 81 |

Lying down on the job?
2009.03.17 02:37:32

This image comes courtesy of Fast FWD and has zero context. But it begs the question - what would Obama ride?

Obama on a Munzo :: Change you can believe in?

Tags: obama | recumbent | munzo | fast FWD

Hits: 160 |

Low racer sale on now
2009.03.11 06:07:43
We have four full low racers and a low racer frame kit in stock and ready to sell.  Check out our sale page for details and better photos than I normally take.

Tags: low | racer | optima | baron | challenge | fujin | sl | sale | recumbent | bicycles

Hits: 326 |

TerraTrike Snakeskin - fully assembled
2009.02.24 22:07:20

Apologies for the delay in getting these posted.  As a reward for your patience, I'm including a photo that Rob asked me not to.  Sorry Rob.

TerraTrike Snakeskin :: On the rug and ready to roll TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Rob takes it for a cold, cold ride. TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Fortunately, Rob is warm blooded.

Tags: cold | trike | recumbent | photos | snakeskin | terratrike

Hits: 456 |

TerraTrike Snakeskin Race unboxed
2009.02.19 08:33:07

The TerraTrike Snakeskin Race has arrived at RBR. Since these are the first "in the wild" shots, we figured it'd be nice to put up some shots of the frame as we unboxed it today. Come back in a day or two to see photos of the completed trike.

TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Snakeskin seat back TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Snakeskin flag TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Snakeskin frame TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Snakeskin frame TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Snakeskin frame TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Snakeskin frame TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Snakeskin frame TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Snakeskin frame TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Snakeskin frame TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Velocity rims, fully skinned TerraTrike Snakeskin :: Velocity rim

Tags: terratrike | wizwheelz | snakeskin | race | photos | frame | velocity | rims

Hits: 340 |

UK Gadget Show features Greenspeed, Hase
2009.02.17 03:39:16

Take a look at an online airing of The Gadget Show in which two teams of the show's hosts race each other from one end of the UK to the other.

The first leg of the race takes place on "two high-tech tandems".  Which, in this case, are a Greenspeed GTT and a Hase Pino.

All I can say is whoever fit that poor stoker on the Pino should be shot.

Also, it appears that The Gadget Show is no stranger to recumbent trikes .

Tags: tandem | gtt | greenspeed | pino | hase | tv | uk | the gadget show

Hits: 255 |

Rally registration now open
2009.02.10 04:11:55

Registration for the 2009 RBR Recumbent Bike and Trike Rally is now open.  We're a flexible lot, so you can register both online and offline as we have harnessed the latest and greatest technology (PayPal, printers) to give you the options you deserve.

The registration fee is $60, which gets you the Friday evening buffet, Saturday evening meal and entertainment, the Saturday/Sunday rides, tuning, and demos.

If you've never been to an RBR Rally before, be sure to read up on it so you know what to expect.  Mostly, though, expect a great time!

We'll put together a rally resources guide soon to lay out the local restaurants and lodging.

Tags: rally | registration | recumbent | paypal | print

Hits: 198 |

RBR to carry Carbent
2009.02.02 21:15:54

RBR is proud to announce that we will soon partner with Bent Up Cycles to be the exclusive northeast carrier of the CarBent line of recumbents.

Details are still in the works, but we plan to have at least one CarBent on the shop floor for your perusal.

Need info and photos?  Okay!

These beautiful bikes are light-weight, fast and built with the highest quality materials and components!

Filament wound carbon fiber tubes yield the highest strength-to-weight ratio of any carbon fiber tubing. Our tubes are custom-wound to exact Carbent HPV specifications, and have a breaking strength of 800,000 psi (as a comparison, titanium 3/2.5 is 89,900 psi and Aluminum 7005 is 50,800 psi).

Combine a beautifully hand-built frame with quality components, including Velocity Uriel wheels, FSA Gossamer cranks, and an Ultegra drivetrain, and you get a bike that is truly irresistable. And at less than 19 pounds, you won’t be carrying any extra weight up the next hill. The seat is fixed at 28 degrees. No, it isn’t adjustable. But it means that every watt of power goes directly from your pedals to the rear wheel. This bike will truly amaze you and your riding buddies!

CarBent Recumbent :: Seadragon CarBent Recumbent :: Seadragon CarBent Recumbent :: Ligher than air


Tags: dealer | partnership | rbr | bent up cycles | bicycle | recumbent | fiber | carbon | carbent

Hits: 342 |

2009 RBR Rally set for June 12-14
2009.02.02 20:16:50

The moment you've all been waiting for is here!  We now have the dates for the 2009 RBR Recumbent Bike and Trike Rally.  Or, for short, the 09RBRRBTR.

Festivities will begin the evening of June 12th with our usual pre-rally social hour and route review.  Then we'll meet up Saturday morning at the Military Museum in Boalsburg to start the rides, demo some bents, and get together later for dinner and conversation.  On the 14th, one last ride for those able to stay in town an extra few hours.

Details will be up on our Rally page by the end of the week, and we're hoping to allow for online registration and payment this year.

Speaking of payment, we'll be raising the price of the rally $5 this year to $60. We hope this won't be too much of an inconvenience, but the increase was necessary to make sure we at least break even this year.

We hope to see many old friends and plenty of new ones at the rally, so spread the word!

Tags: rally | dates | price

Hits: 235 |

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1306 S. Atherton St.
State College, PA 16801
(814) 234-4636

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SUN Closed

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