Pterosail spotted in RAGBRAI 2009

RAGBRAI, the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, was completed recently. It's a 37 year old tour that grows year upon year.

As should be expected, RAGBRAI has its share of recumbent riders. It's a natural fit for such a long ride (though on a recent MS150, I was only one of two recumbent riders). But I bet not many people haved sailed RAGBRAI.

Yep, one of the riders was sporting a Pterosail for the tour.


Have I mentioned that we have a Pterosail kit on sale right now? Like how I just tacked that on there?

I hope that Pterosailer is able to ride RAGBRAI again next year. Some folks in Iowa are looking to ban cyclists from the very country roads used on the tour.

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