
Recumbent News

If you're like us, you spend some of your day hitting all your favorite recumbent sites for the latest news. Admit it, you have 10 tabs open right now on a variety of different bike sites. Wouldn't it be great if there were just one page from which you could glimpse everything that's going on in the recumbent world?

Welcome to our Recumbent News page. Please note that each full story is launched in a window within the RBR page. We've got you now! Ha ha, no, actually, this is just to make it easier for you to return to the full article listing. Click the [X] in the lower right corner or press ESC to close an article window.

Cleaning out the Shed

The economy is hitting us pretty hard so I have to get rid of a lot of test bikes we have around.  The Flevobike Green Machine, RANS Trizard, Easy Racers Tour Easy LE and MetaBikes MetaPhysic are all listed in the For Sale section.

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Source: http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=2364

RR Velo Blades

RR Velo is launching a new series of carbon fiber rimmed wheels for recumbents and diamond frame bikes.  The set pictured is a 700C rear/451 front combo for the Markham Malibu.  These low spoke count wheels come with 60mm rims, bladed spokes and weigh less than 1500 grams.  Weight limit is 240 pounds.  The wheels [...]

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Source: http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=2360

Recumbent Touring Shorts

I usually ride in a pair of aerobic shorts with no padding. They are the best for just riding in warm weather, light and cool. But if I need to get off the bike and walk around pockets are a real plus; some place for my wallet, iPod Touch and cellphone. I have been using the [...]

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Source: http://ebent.wordpress.com/2009/07/14/recumbent-touring-shorts/

A Little ‘BentRider History…

I’m an avid listener to “This American Life” on National Public Radio.  Each weekly show has a theme and one of the recent themes was “Origins”.  There were several stories about how various businesses were started and things like that.  I was a bit inspired and thought that maybe some of you would like to [...]

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Source: http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=2353

Great New RAAM-Focused Into The Ride

I know that a lot of us had about 1000 questions for Randy Schlitter of RANS during Race Across America. He was obviously a bit busy then and has been a bit busy since filling orders for the new XStream. He’s finally taken the time to compile all of his thoughts on the race, the [...]

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Source: http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=2350

Evan Jespersen Across The USA on a Volae Expedition

My good friend Evan Jespersen is on his way across the USA on a Volae Expedition!  I know that there are a thousand of these travelogues out there right now but this one is special to me because… A. Evan is one of my best friends. B. Evan is on a recumbent and that is [...]

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Source: http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=2346

Livestrong Promotion

I’ve been a bit inspired by Lance Armstrong’s return to cycling to promote his excellent cause.  You may or may not be a big fan of Lance but you have to admit that Livestrong is doing some amazing things to fight cancer.  Lance is also doing some amazing things in the Tour De France this [...]

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Source: http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=2342

Jerry Boyer: Crossing America on a Giro 26

'Bent Enthusiast- Tallahassee, FL I just completed riding the Adventure Cycling Southern Tier route and wanted to share some of my thoughts about the performance of the Bacchetta Giro 26.  To prepare for the tour I reduced the size of the small chain ring to 26t, added a Windwrap fairing, increased tire size and quality (Schwalbe [...]

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Source: http://www.bacchettablog.com/news/jerry-boyer-crossing-america-on-a-giro-26

Safety T Shirts – $6.50

I noticed a local recumbent rider with a Safety Green T-shirt and was amazed how visible it was. After a little checking, this was the best deal I could find, $6.50 at G&L Clothing. I prefer 100% Poly but can’t seem to find anymore. UPDate: Found 100% Poly at JiffyShirts.com for $7.48 and reasonable shipping.. Product Description: [...]

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Source: http://ebent.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/safety-t-shirts-6-50/

New Bennies For Members/Partners From Cycling Solutions

Many of you may not be familiar with Cycling Solutions. This online parts retailer is owned and operated by ‘BentRider’s original co-founder, Jose Hernandez. Jose has recently relaunched the business and is offering ‘BentRider’s financial supporters a rather large discount on his products and services. All Members will receive a 12% discount and all Partners [...]

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Source: http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=2324

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