
Recumbent News

If you're like us, you spend some of your day hitting all your favorite recumbent sites for the latest news. Admit it, you have 10 tabs open right now on a variety of different bike sites. Wouldn't it be great if there were just one page from which you could glimpse everything that's going on in the recumbent world?

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“Modernistic Recumbent Sport Bicycle Trike Corsa 1970′s”

Travis Prebble (yeah, that RBR, Recumbent Journal and Recumbent.TV guy again) came across this little item from the late 1970′s… a Corsa Trike, but not the Corsa that you’re probably thinking of. This piece of recumbent history is for sale at Cgi.ebay.com for another couple of days. Have a look!

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/08/31/modernistic-recumbent-sport-bicycle-trike-corsa-1970s/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=modernistic-recumbent-sport-bicycle-trike-corsa-1970s

Markham Malibu Being Delivered (Drool Warning!!!)

Freddy Markham sent along a couple of pics and press release about the new Markham Malibu. The pics below are two of the first customer bikes. Mmmmm… Carbon… Drooooool… (Gallery After the Jump) From Press Release… “What do you get that special person that has everything? A full carbon Markham Malibu with fancy carbon lugs of course.” Fast [...]

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Source: http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=4184

DeLorme Earthmate PN-60w with SPOT Satellite Communicator

Its name is a bit of a mouthful… the DeLorme Earthmate PN-60w with SPOT Satellite Communicator. It is the newest member of the SPOT family, joining the SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger and the SPOT Personal Tracker. The price is a bit of a walletfull at a MSRP of $550… See all the details at Findmespot.com [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/08/31/delorme-earthmate-pn-60w-with-spot-satellite-communicator/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=delorme-earthmate-pn-60w-with-spot-satellite-communicator

Mango Sport

Harry Lieben of SinnerLigfietsen.nl posted these stunning photographs of a new Mango Sport on Facebook today. This really is an “objet d’art” in my opinion. Thanks Harry!

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/08/31/mango-sport/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mango-sport


On the left, HASE are already “accessorizing” their new KLIMAX. See Hasebikes.com → On the right, HASE has come out with a topper for tykes in the TRETS when it is used as a children’s trailer. See Hasebikes.com/217-1-foldable-fairing-kids-ds-fuer-trets.html→

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/08/30/hase-news/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hase-news

Akkubent trike w/ Powered BOB trailer…

akkubent _ BobYak _ Trailer powered by OutdoorExperts.de from daniel backwinkel on Vimeo. At first I said to myself “Yet another European ride I have never seen before”! The trike seems to be a Njunis trike by Crystalite Europe and/or an upgraged version called the Rondane, available in a few differing levels of e-assist (using [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/08/30/akkubent-trike-w-powered-bob-trailer/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=akkubent-trike-w-powered-bob-trailer


[Photo by John Tetz] Maybe things work for you in the same way they often work for me… just when you need to know about something the perfect article, or post or video pops into your lap. The article on the Harald Winkler’s MEUFL Asphlattretboot we ran the other day requires a fair amount of [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/08/29/foaming/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=foaming

Tight Tires (or Tyght Tyres if you prefer)

Many thanks to VikB over at TheLazyRando.wordpress.com for showing us this video from Spa Cycles on YouTube. I’ve never seen anyone use toe-straps while fixing a flat but it looks like a great idea…

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/08/29/12958/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=12958


For well under $10, including the shipping from China, I wasn’t sure this was going to work… color me surprised! These “Car Window Cup Suction Mount Tripod Holder For Camera” units that I found on eBay (there are several different types there) seem to work JUST FINE! I used one on a very rough chip-seal [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/08/28/suction/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=suction

Cochrane is Coyote Country

Blue Coyote has his blue Strada out of the box, onto the road, and he’s gone… Had a great afternoon yesterday visiting Cornell and his wife in their home of almost 25 years in the country just north of Cochrane, Alberta, Canada. That Strada is a thing of beauty; the finishing is outstanding and Cornell [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/08/28/cochrane-is-coyote-country/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cochrane-is-coyote-country

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