
Recumbent News

If you're like us, you spend some of your day hitting all your favorite recumbent sites for the latest news. Admit it, you have 10 tabs open right now on a variety of different bike sites. Wouldn't it be great if there were just one page from which you could glimpse everything that's going on in the recumbent world?

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Sponsor Pulls Plug - Help Save Ride to Boston!!

Last week, and, in hindsight I could feel it coming for months because their business was off the mark, the Main Sponsor for my ride pulled the plug. The quarterly payment that I got from them for web work and...

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Source: http://www.bikeroute.com/Recumbents/News/Archives/000217.html

Bellandare, Bella ATT and the LWB recumbent design

At the end of 2007, we introduced the Bellandare as an entry level replacement for our Café and Agio models. The Bellandare was our first low bottom bracket Long Wheel Base (LWB) design and we’ve been very pleased with the reception it’s received. Not surprisingly people have been comparing the Bellandare with other LWB bikes, [...]

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Source: http://www.bacchettablog.com/news/bellandare-bella-att-and-the-lwb-recumbent-design

Bike Accessory Makers Flourishing in Down Economy!

A Vehicle For The Times » INFRASTRUCTURIST Source: www.infrastructurist.com Accustomed as I am to hearing everyone complain about their economic woes – I do, after all, work in the besieged newspaper industry – it was a pleasant shock to hear...

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Source: http://www.bikeroute.com/Recumbents/News/Archives/000216.html

Texas Hill Country 600km

  It was doubtful that I was going to do this race after bailing out on Larry Graham as a team rider but I still needed to go to Plano TX for a dealer clinic at Plano Cycling. When visiting with Steve Petty  (Corsa SS rider and Tejas 500 team rider) about coming to town I [...]

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Source: http://www.bacchettablog.com/team-bacchetta/texas-hill-country-600km

Eagle HiWheel meets Recumbent Kingpin

As I ramp up to become the first person to ride a backwards HiWheel bike across America since 1891 and the first to do so from the west coast to the east, do get a look at the blog I...

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Source: http://www.bikeroute.com/Recumbents/News/Archives/000215.html

Book Done - Bent Rider Now Trains on Eagle HiWheel

Our absence from here has been due to the fact that all of my resources have been pumped into getting my book, “How America can Bike and Grow Rich, The National Bicycle Greenway Manifesto” , ready for publication. Two...

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Source: http://www.bikeroute.com/Recumbents/News/Archives/000214.html

No Recession for Bicycle Makers

Cars Down, Bikes Up While high oil prices and an economic recession are hitting carmakers hard, bicycle makers are selling more than ever. "Giant Manufacturing, the world’s largest bicycle-maker, sold a record 460,000 units last month and is heading...

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Source: http://www.bikeroute.com/Recumbents/News/Archives/000212.html

Ines Brunn Coming 4/4 8 & Busycle Farewell Report

What a party! On Sat, Nov 15, at the beautiful YMCA in Palo Alto, CA, we not only were blessed with amazing speakers,  exhibits and performances, but the volunteers who made it possible for us to enjoy them, pulled...

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Source: http://www.bikeroute.com/Recumbents/News/Archives/000211.html

Let's Get Visible

Upright or Bent, we still all have one need as our light grows less and less:...

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Source: http://www.bikeroute.com/Recumbents/News/Archives/000210.html

Bouncing bikes make 11/15 Busycle Farewell Event go Ballistic

As 11/15 rapidly approaches, as we here at the National Bicycle Greenway have seen over the last ten years of our public event history, the excitement for that which is straight ahead is pouring forth like a gusher that threatens...

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Source: http://www.bikeroute.com/Recumbents/News/Archives/000209.html

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