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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut non turpis a nisi pretium rutrum. Nullam congue, lectus a aliquam pretium, sem urna tempus justo, malesuada consequat nunc diam vel justo. In faucibus elit at purus. Suspendisse dapibus lorem. Curabitur luctus mauris.

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Home Community Bent News Markham Malibu Pricing and Gallery
Markham Malibu Pricing and Gallery
Thursday, 03 June 2010 06:17
Freddy Markham of RR Velo sent me some pics of a final production example of the Malibu carbon fiber long wheelbase. I hope my keyboard recovers from the drool. The bike will be sold through Easy Racers and will retail for $6900 as you see it. It’s another $1000 if you want faux lugs. The [...]

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