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There are two things I enjoy: the pedalcycle collection of Bob "The Bike Man" Swaim and the music of Ben Folds. Some genius combined them to make this video irresistible to me.    ...
The fine folks at ICE took advantage of the recent winter weather in Cornwall to ride their ICE trikes on, well, the ICE. Looking at the layer of ice on that loading dock, all I could think was "They would ...
Hidden somewhere deep on a hard drive (\videos\interbike2010 ... okay, not that deep) is video footage we shot at Interbike in conjunction with Recumbent Journal. Here's the first video to leave the vault: ...
4. De Tovenaar: Balkan by Bike
(Community/Recumbent News)
Balkan by bike (7) from De Tovenaar on Vimeo. I will probably never be able to bike from Klagenfurt to Sarajevo… but I have now (sort of) thanks to this beautiful video by “De Tovenaar”. ...
5. “End of the Road”
(Community/Recumbent News)
... a video of one ride around the park with each season gradually morphing into the next. Great plan until you run into a [...] Read the Full Article ... Source: ...
6. Cycle Vision 2011
(Community/Recumbent News)
... 5 km. outdoor speedskating facility. This video shows you some of the summer use: Those curves are going to make for some VERY interesting [...] Read the Full Article ... Source: http://www.recumben ...
7. An airbag for your head
... Here's some video... This helmet could actually be a danger on a recumbent if it were to inflate unexpectedly. The bag bursts out from the back of the neck which, on a recumbent, would be ...
TerraTrike has released a series of very useful instructional videos on their web site. They’re very easy to follow, are applicable to several brands other than Catrike and feature some very interesting ...
9. 360 Degree Video…
(Community/Recumbent News)
You may be aware that I like video… a lot! Always on the look out for new and improved ways to do videos about recumbents and velomobiles. A pair of young Dutch lads (met at Groningen University ...
10. RotoVelo Video
(Community/Recumbent News)
TriSled’s RotoVelo project has been causing a bit of a stir in the velomobile community. This new velomobile’s body is made out of rotomold. This is basically the same sort of stuff a rollaway ...
11. Video: Velomobieltreffen Giessen 2010
(Community/Recumbent News)
... much… See all of Wilfred’s videos at → See Wilfred’s blog at → Read the Full Article ... Source: ...
12. Video: Rotovelo Group Ride
(Community/Recumbent News)
This video showed up a few hours ago at the YouTube Trisled account. It is the first video I have seen of the Rotovelo in the wild, actually a pack of Rotovelos! Who knows? Maybe these lads will eventually ...
13. Video: Setkání Lehokol 2010 Recumbent Meeting
(Community/Recumbent News)
Setkání lehokol 2010 v Nivnici, Uherském Brodě a okolí | Recumbent meeting – OFFICIAL TRAILER from Stanislav Kadlčík on Vimeo. Here is the “Official Trailer” video from the Setkání ...
14. A Ukrainian Connection
(Community/Recumbent News)
This video is of the First Ukrainian Velomobile Festival and was taken by “Velodreamer” (Oleksii Ganshin) who we featured the other day; you can see his Velodreamer-2 in many of the shots. ...
15. Video by Dredgerclock: “Why I hate commuting”
(Community/Recumbent News)
I think the last time we showed you one of Glenn Frank’s videos(he is Dregerclock on YouTube, or Terrafirma on ‘BROL) was back on August 3rd of this year with his Video-taking-the-long-way-to-work-two-trikes-commute/. ...
16. Looxcie (pronounced Look – See)
(Community/Recumbent News)
This smart looking camera/bluetooth combination will hook over your ear (it weighs less than an ounce) and will allow you to shoot video of everything you see and share it (to social network video sites, ...
17. Алекс Reah – Опять!
(Community/Recumbent News)
... videos on YouTube of his new creation, this beauty… “In an email he sent [...] Read the Full Article ... Source: ...
... o-amazing-human-powered-plane-flies-by-flapping-its-wings/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=video-amazing-human-powered-plane-flies-by-flapping-its-wings ...
19. Video: Lightfoot Ranger – Bigfoot style
(Community/Recumbent News)
Rod Miner at Lightfoot Cycles Inc. (of Darby, Montana, USA) sent this video along. It says: “The Lightfoot recumbent Ranger bike is available in a Bigfoot version, which uses 29″ o.d. tires ...
20. FWD Tadpole Trike
(Community/Recumbent News)
We are always on the lookout for a different way of doing things… especially if it involves Front Wheel Drive and this video offering from “scbvideoboy” fits that bill perfectly. Really ...
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