
Recumbent News

If you're like us, you spend some of your day hitting all your favorite recumbent sites for the latest news. Admit it, you have 10 tabs open right now on a variety of different bike sites. Wouldn't it be great if there were just one page from which you could glimpse everything that's going on in the recumbent world?

Welcome to our Recumbent News page. Please note that each full story is launched in a window within the RBR page. We've got you now! Ha ha, no, actually, this is just to make it easier for you to return to the full article listing. Click the [X] in the lower right corner or press ESC to close an article window.

Practical Bike Buyer’s Guide – Peter Eland

[via VeloVision.co.uk] “Most cycling buyer’s guides stick to the mainstream options of racer, tourer, MTB or city bike. PBBG goes beyond that for people who want to do more by bike. Topics include: - Folding bikes for easy travel and storage - Family bikes for tandem togetherness and/or child transport - Workbikes for carrying large loads - Special needs bikes [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2009/07/30/practical-bike-buyers-guide-peter-eland/

RANS Bike Rally – Sept. 4 – 7, 2009

Details and entry form available at Ransbikes.com → [Seen first as a posting by Randy Schlitter on 'BentRiders Online]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2009/07/30/rans-bike-rally-sept-4-7-2009/

New Quiz: Name That Bike

Ok… bike historians start your memory banks. Can you name this bike? Two hints would be (a) the rider used to race with the rear basket on for better aerodynamics, and (b) it is an English (British) product. If you can pick this one out you know your recumbents… To be fair… here’s the same product (but [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2009/07/30/new-quiz-name-that-bike/

C/A 2.0, Giro 26 ATT, Brakes, Forks and Accessories

We rec’d the new X-Eyed brakes and Full Carbon Johnson forks, so we are shipping out C/A’s now.  The only item we did not recieve, are the FCJ’s in 700c- you’ll have to wait another couple weeks for those. Tomorrow- Friday, July 31st- we’ll be getting in Giro 26 ATT’s (new product!) and some other bikes [...]

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Source: http://www.bacchettablog.com/news/ca-20-giro-26-att-brakes-forks-and-accessories

TerraCycle announcement…

I am a huge fan of the TerraCycle idler… they are on all three of our bikes and they are marvelous. They are not inexpensive; on the other hand, given the quality you get I wouldn’t call them expensive either. Regardless, I think this announcement will be met with glad cries… An announcement straight from Pat [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2009/07/29/terracycle-announcement/

Mirror, Mirror, on the … bike

“Jughead63″, followed closely by “Aqua” over at “BentRider Online pointed out a VERY neat mirror/bike-bell combo from Slovenia. Actually the website is http://www.x-safe-shop.com/ and on that yellow bar on their front page the “eng” in the [slo X eng} toggles the site back and forth from Slovenian to English. The mirror seems to stand nice and [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2009/07/29/mirror-mirror-on-the-bike/

I need some ammo…

I really need some ammunition. In a week or so we are going to hit post number 1,000 for the Recumbent Blog… at least in this incarnation. Now the previous author of the blog is a shy, retiring soul… no names but his initials are Alan Barnard. Alan has generously offered to bring me up to [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2009/07/29/i-need-some-ammo/

Velokraft – Facebook

Velokraft are on Facebook… see them at their Facebook page here → No lineups… no waiting… nice pics like the one above, and more…

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2009/07/29/velokraft-facebook/

Intrepid…more than just “brave, courageous, bold”…

What do you get when you add “a Master’s degree in Mechanical engineering from the University of Sheffield” (Graham), “a PhD from the University of Bristol and over 30 years of management and research experience” on top of being an expert fabricator and machinist and a fledgling welder (David), a sales, marketing and promotional dude [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2009/07/29/intrepid-more-than-just-brave-courageous-bold/

Midwest Recumbent Rally 2009!

The Midwest Recumbent Rally (more commonly known as the Hostel Shoppe Rally) will take place August 7-9 2009 at the Hostel Shoppe in Stephens Point, Wisconsin. I’ll be there giving a talk about ‘BentRider’s history and some of you and your message board habits.  Freddy Markham of RR Velo will also be there talking about [...]

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Source: http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=2375

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