
Recumbent News

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We live in an interesting part of the world, and nobody can say we don’t get a full helping of all four of the seasons. It is the last day of summer and we have our first snow of the new season. I suspect this will melt away into a few more weeks of fall… [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/09/21/snow/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=snow

FWD Tadpole Trike

We are always on the lookout for a different way of doing things… especially if it involves Front Wheel Drive and this video offering from “scbvideoboy” fits that bill perfectly. Really interesting shots of some of the “custom built differential and air shock swingarm with limited travel suspension”. Thanks for the look!

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/09/20/fwd-tadpole-trike/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=fwd-tadpole-trike

Hutchison Airless Tires

From the Hutchison site (in French, English, German or Spanish): “WORLD EXCLUSIVE: AIRLESS TIRES TECHNOLOGY by Hutchinson & Biron” The SERENITY airless tire concept is the result of many years of research and the culmination of a significant collaboration between Biron engineering and Hutchinson tires. This easy to use airless system will change cycling by [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/09/20/hutchison-airless-tires/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hutchison-airless-tires

Bent Up Cycles 2010 RAAM DVD

Bill Cook, founder and former owner of Barcroft Cycles, rode along with Team Bent Up Cycles during their 2010 Race Across America effort. A lot of people don’t know this, but Cook was a highly respected journalist for many years prior to being bitten by the recumbent bug. That eye for a good story shows [...]

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Source: http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=4237

Side by Side

Penny Devine and Rob Mackenzie were married on September 19, 1970 in Didsbury, Alberta at the Didsbury United Church. “… we’ll travel the road, sharing our load, side by side…”

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/09/19/side-by-side/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=side-by-side


From Hungary, the PannonRider is now in a new velomobile form… and a very striking form indeed! There are some delightful pictures of the PannonRider in the wild at Flickr.com by a “DrDjVik” → There is a very illuminating website at Pannonrider.pannonsolar.hu (including an English version) where they describe this Pannonrider as “The Solution – [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/09/19/pannonrider/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pannonrider

Key Chain Micro Camera

This key-chain camera (give me a break… my first video camera almost required a separate seat on the airplane it was so large) is way too small to produce either good video and/or good audio… right? Wrong! David Hembrow pointed this unit out on his Facebook site. He has a little test video showing its [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/09/18/key-chain-micro-camera/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=key-chain-micro-camera

Shake, Rattle or Roll

A very small package… makes a great big sound. Wilfred Ketelaar uncovered this “Vibration Activated 120dB Anti-Theft Security Alarm with Remote Control” at DealExtreme.com/details.dx/sku.33475 → With this unit (priced with delivery at near $10) or one like it, the idea is that it is small enough to put on your bike/trike/velomobile in some way that [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/09/18/shake-rattle-or-roll/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=shake-rattle-or-roll

Power Analyzer

Many of you will recognize this device… it is the “thumb-controller” on Penny’s electric-assisted trike. Simply pushing that plastic paddle shaped thing-a-majig causes the trike to accelerate. Unfortunately, it is paired with a three light sytem for measuring the amount of energy left in the battery pack. The green light indicates you are fine, a [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/09/17/power-analyzer/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=power-analyzer

Steampunk: Another World!

Steampunk has an irresistible charm… check out this collection of recumbent Steampunk at Steampunkworkshop.com/the-brass-lion-steampunk-recumbent or this more general view at Toxel.com.

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/09/17/steampunk-another-world/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=steampunk-another-world

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