
Josef Janning’s Photo Contest Entry

Josef Janning

Why do I ride? If not on a commute, I ride for the pure joy of riding, of feeling the wind, the sun and the rain, of taking in the sights and sounds of the land, the mountains and the sea with ll of my senses on those long touring days of summer – complex impressions, like a wide screen road movie.

Looking back, so many scenes come to my mind, moments of beauty and of struggle, many of which photographs can hardly capture: Arriving at the summit of a long and winding pass road, racing along endless dike trails by the North Sea, fixing a flat in the rain, making camp after a hard day's journey. Among those memories, those stand out that were gained while riding with friends, sharing a moment of rest and happiness. This picture was taken on "Rode Klif" in Frisia, The Netherlands, overlooking the IJsselmeer, a large bay closed off from the North Sea in 1932. The red cliff is one of the few elevations of a land below sea level. We had come fro North Holland on that day, crossing the shut-off dike and following the coast line along scenic side roads, the velomobiles fully loaded with camping gear. A moment of tranquility soon to be left behind as we continued to fly down the coast in our stream-line machines.

Josef Janning

[Entry #105]
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