
Recumbent News

If you're like us, you spend some of your day hitting all your favorite recumbent sites for the latest news. Admit it, you have 10 tabs open right now on a variety of different bike sites. Wouldn't it be great if there were just one page from which you could glimpse everything that's going on in the recumbent world?

Welcome to our Recumbent News page. Please note that each full story is launched in a window within the RBR page. We've got you now! Ha ha, no, actually, this is just to make it easier for you to return to the full article listing. Click the [X] in the lower right corner or press ESC to close an article window.


Press Release: ICE B1 and B2 Folding Bikes Following on from the successful launch of our 2010 ICE folding trikes we’ve added our latest fold technology to the ICE B1 and B2 bikes. The result is bikes which display all the ICE characteristics of dynamic assured handling and great ergonomics and comfort combined with the ability to [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/06/11/press-release-ice-trikes/

Trans-Himalaya: Three wheels to the top of the world

Anne Dussert is riding across the Himalayas (you read that right) on a new ICE Adventure 3fs. She has a website at HimalayaByTricycle.blogspot.com where you can see the incredible adventures she has already had… and where she is continuing on. There is some absolutely incredible photography… just keep panning down the opening page of her website! ICE [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/06/11/trans-himalaya-three-wheels-to-the-top-of-the-world/

RAAM 2010 - Day Three!

by Larry Varney Co-Editor, ‘BentRider Online Day Three of RAAM dawned very clear. By the time the afternoon came around, Tim Woudenberg was experiencing some awful heat - it was 102 degrees F in the shade in Congress, Arizona. Tim had planned on bicycling through the day and sleeping in the pre-dawn hours, but changed his [...]

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Source: http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=3814

The Week in News - 6/11/2010

Here is the mainstream recumbent news of note from around the web for the week ending 6/11/2010.

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RecumbentJournal/~3/YDtUVDGcEos/2010.html

BentCast Episode 2

BentCast Episode 2 is live.

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RecumbentJournal/~3/2R6RX-gwjF0/151-bentcast-episode-2.html

‘BentCast Episode 2

Our second episode of the reborn ‘BentCast is ready for your consumption. As always you can either listen here, at the ‘BentCast official site, at Recumbent Journal or subscribe or download via iTunes. This episode features a RAAM-centric interview with Dana Lieberman, and an interview with Fargo pilot, James Artis. Enjoy! bentcast-episode-2

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Source: http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=3810

Vote for a Velo Vision reader's very clever pedals...

'Fast Forward' pedals from Stephen Britt promise bolt-on extra power for any bicycle. Now they're shortlisted for an award and voting is open now... (posted 10 June 2010)

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Source: http://www.velovision.co.uk/cgi-bin/show_comments.pl?storynum=1110

Svajerløb 2009 – Danish Cargo Bike Championships

Just in case you are thinking Cargo Bikes are all work and no play… Svajerløb 2009 – Danish Cargo Bike Championships from Copenhagenize on Vimeo. This snappy video was shot by Felix Modler-Andersen who was seven at the time (and is the young son of Mikael Colville-Andersen who added the still photography) Mikael notes on the Vimeo page: “The [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/06/10/svajerl%C3%B8b-2009-danish-cargo-bike-championships/

Bill Stites’ Truck Trike

I think this is one very neat truck, by Bill Stites (who I have thought is a brilliant, very neat guy since I saw his shop in the TerraCycle facility), and 800 pounds is a very neat payload. Coupled with EcoSystem motors (one or two) on the rear wheels and the patented FWD “Stites Hub”, this [...]

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Source: http://www.recumbentblog.com/2010/06/10/bill-stites-truck-trike/

RAAM 2010 - Day Two

by Larry Varney Co-Editor, ‘BentRider Online A short article for today, primarily because it is very late, I am into my “sleep period”, and in just about 4 hours I have to get up and do it all over again.  Today has been a very good day for the recumbents, Sandy and Barbara are having a duel [...]

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Source: http://www.bentrideronline.com/?p=3797

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