
Revenge of the Blog

Okay, we're back. We've been pretty quiet on the blog here recently while we've been Facebooking like fiends. But I promise you we will update this bugger at least once a week now. If I fail in my quest, you have my permission to e-mail me at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and tell me to get off my lazy butt.

Let's start off with a site we recently shared on FB: Bicycle Tutor.

We do love to see our customers come in to the shop with their ailing steeds so we can help them get back on their bikes, but the truth is that a lot of our customers don't live near the shop and could probably do minor fixes themselves. Bicycle Tutor is a great reference for a number of common adjustments and repairs.

Now, there will always be recumbent specific items that you might need our help with (Bicycle Tutor doesn't have anything on there about greasing the steering rods of a Sidewinder or for adjusting toe or for figuring your x-seam), but the Bicycle Tutor videos can guide you through quite a bit.

For example, here's how to adjust a rear derailleur.


Written on Tuesday, 03 August 2010 09:57 by Travis Prebble

Viewed 679 times so far.
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