
Team RANS finishes first in RAAM

Followers of the Race Across America likely already know, but in case you haven't heard, Team RANS has successfully completed the race in the 4 Person Male category in FIRST PLACE!

According to the RAAM web site, Team RANS rode for 6 days, 3 hours, and 40 minutes with an average speed of 20.46 MPH. The team were outfitted with RANS X-Stream recumbent bikes.

Congratulations to Team RANS on their victory. And also congratulations to two people who did a great job covering this race. Larry Varney accompanied Team RANS and did a great series on their efforts. BentRider regular jalexartis has been covering RAAM blow by blow on his Cycling Experiences blog. Thanks to both for helping to build excitement around Team RANS' achievement.

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Written on Sunday, 28 June 2009 19:07 by Travis Prebble

Viewed 4992 times so far.
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