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Home Community Blog Travis Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike
Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike
Written by Travis Prebble   
Wednesday, 17 February 2010 22:16

Now that the shop is in full swing again, we have new equipment coming in the door which means it is time for me to bust out the camera and start clicking.

Today was spent with the Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike, a machine with a name as long as its wheelbase. There is one incredibly unique thing about this tandem.

It can be converted from a tandem to a single (hence the name), which means you're really getting two trikes for the price of one trike... with two seats. It's like buying a tandem and having somebody say, "You know what? Here's a single just for you." It's like riding down the road with your significant other who's up in the captain seat and starting to get really crabby about your poor pace so you pull out the coupler wrench and say "Fine! I've got all the gearing anyway, so buh-bye!" and drop their grumpy can on the side of the road while you take off for an enjoyable solo ride. (RBR does not recommend converting the trike while in motion.)

Now that we've enjoyed that little liberation fantasy paragraph, let's get to the photos.

Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one! Trident Trikes Chameleon Convertitrike :: Two trikes in one!

Written on Wednesday, 17 February 2010 22:16 by Travis Prebble

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