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Home Community Blog Travis Big Cat/Catrike/Catbike Musashi
Big Cat/Catrike/Catbike Musashi
Written by Travis Prebble   
Monday, 05 April 2010 21:22

What's the sound of two swords whirling through the air and then slicing through an industry to deliver a lethal cut of excitement?

It's probably ... "schikt" or "shiss" or if the swords are dull "splorch". The sound isn't really important. In fact, it's a bit of a distraction from the fact that we have two Musashis in the shop, one white, the other blue. What is important is the way Rob and I exclaim "MUSASHI" with the proper stress on the first syllable, yelling it like we're auditioning for a part in a James Clavell's Shogun mini-series remake.

We've assembled our white Musashi and have all taken turns trying to ride it hands-free. Of course, we have to put the hands back on once we hit the end of the parking lot.


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Written on Monday, 05 April 2010 21:22 by Travis Prebble

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