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Home Community Blog Travis The Ballad of BentJay
The Ballad of BentJay
Written by Travis Prebble   
Monday, 11 August 2008 20:20

Chipmunks attacking one anotherThere was an ... incident ... during the 2008 RBR rally in which some Pennsylvania wildlife perpetrated an attack upon one of the intrepid trikers. This incident has served as an inspiration for song.

BlindTriker, another rally attendee, posted the following shortly after arriving home:

"Wow! What an incredible experience. Super people, great rides, amazing food and superb live music. A priceless weekend in beautiful (and lush) State College, Pa.

Certainly the highlight of everyone's weekend were the stunt antics of the ever wacky "Bent Jay". A frequent contributor to BROL, Bent Jay is a supremely talented yet humble man, and is well known to this blog. I am not ashamed to say that, hey.... I love the guy. To prove it I have written an ode to honor the "Bent Jay" who is both recumbent triker as well as renaissance man. Truly a man for the new millennium.

I was tempted to write this as an epic, something to rival the "Iliad" or "Odyssey". Instead I've put set to a tune somewhat more familiar. See if you recognize it. Bent Jay truly has his mojo workin'.
It goes something like this:

"The Ballad of Bent Jay"
by BlindTriker

Come and listen to my story 'bout my friend, Bent Jay.
Took himself a trip to a rally in State College, Pa.
Then while riding he ran into a critter...
Rolled right over, and turned him 'to a fritter.

Well, the first thing you know ol' Jay's off his trike
Bleedin' in a a field, with the weeds and the like
He said when he hit 'em the chipmunk flew into his lap
He made a panic stop and the chipmunk turned to crap
(dead crap that is... a "road pizza").

So we picked up Jay and wiped of all the blood,
Cleaned up his wounds, towed his trike outta da mud
We said that Millheim just can't be that far
So he got back on that trike that he bought at RBR (shameless plug).

By the barbeque that night the story began to change
It turned into a mountain lion on the Allegheny range
The way that he told it Jay kil't 'im with his hands
And went off to play his mouth harp with the local blues band.

So we sang and we drank and ate pulled pork
Thanked Rob and Alicia with a tip of his spork
Said "My wife's a doc and ya really oughtta meet 'er"
So I reached for my cell and dropped a dime to PETA.

So now it's time to say good-bye to Jay and his new trike
He's a good natured guy, the kind that we all like
A real good sport, and he's so easy to goad...
But keep outta his way when he's ridin' down the road.

Y'all better run now, if'n yer a critter."

Thanks to BlindTriker for his creativity, and honestly, we're all just happy that BentJay doesn't have rabies and will return to ride again.

Written on Monday, 11 August 2008 20:20 by Travis Prebble

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