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Home Community Blog Travis Aergo - shimmy be gone
Aergo - shimmy be gone
Written by Travis Prebble   
Wednesday, 19 November 2008 15:34

Rob and I took the Aergo for a spin today after replacing the trike bearings with the new Catrike teflon bearings.  Wouldn't you know it, the new trike shimmy problem completely disappeared!

It was my first ride in the Aergo with the BionX electric assist in place.  That really makes all the difference in the world when pedaling an extra few pounds of shell and hardware.  It was a shame that our rides were just in the parking lot, because the Aergo prototype is definitely ready for some road rides.

We got a comment about one of the photos I posted earlier , that it was perhaps not such a good shot to post because it makes it look like we hit something.  Truth is, we did.  The initial mounting system for the Aergo left the nose very close to the ground, and it would scrape when we wheeled it up the ramp into the shop.  The current mounting system lifts the nose enough to avoid that scrape, but the scars still remain.

Similarly, that huge bug splat decal on the side was just something we did for fun and to test whether or not vinyl decals would adhere to the surface of the shell.  It's supposed to be tie-dye.  Supposed to.  Either way, the decal has weathered the heat of Summer and is now heading into the cold of Winter without a single flake or peel.

Written on Wednesday, 19 November 2008 15:34 by Travis Prebble

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