The moment you've all been waiting for is here! We now have the dates for the 2009 RBR Recumbent Bike and Trike Rally. Or, for short, the 09RBRRBTR.
Festivities will begin the evening of June 12th with our usual pre-rally social hour and route review. Then we'll meet up Saturday morning at the Military Museum in Boalsburg to start the rides, demo some bents, and get together later for dinner and conversation. On the 14th, one last ride for those able to stay in town an extra few hours.
Details will be up on our Rally page by the end of the week, and we're hoping to allow for online registration and payment this year.
Speaking of payment, we'll be raising the price of the rally $5 this year to $60. We hope this won't be too much of an inconvenience, but the increase was necessary to make sure we at least break even this year.
We hope to see many old friends and plenty of new ones at the rally, so spread the word!