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RBR Blog
Does it seem odd that people who work in a recumbent shop also spend their time being fans of recumbents?  It shouldn't. Does it seem like maybe we have better things to do? Perhaps. But the nice thing about having a blogger on staff who is terrible at builds is that he then spends his free time digging up news nuggets and drawing attention to the bikes and trikes we love so dearly.

TerraTrike Bag and Flag promotion
Written by Travis Prebble   
Tuesday, 10 November 2009 13:52

TerraTrike has kicked off a "Bag and Flag" promotion good from now until December 31st. Buy any new TerraTrike and get a free frame bag and WizWheelz safety flag.

And, uh... that's it. I'm not suggesting that's small potatoes. Actually, it's a $70 value, yours free. But I guess what I'm saying is that blog posts that are only one paragraph long can be a little dull.

So I made it three paragraphs. Much better.

TerraTrike Bag and Flag promotion :: I can't get much clearer with the graphic.

Decent descent on an Optima Orca
Written by Travis Prebble   
Thursday, 05 November 2009 10:11

A Swedish gentleman has shot some stunning footage of a ride on his Optima Orca.

Next time you're in, have a seat on an Orca and pretend that you have the arm strength of a lone person holding a boom cam on a long ride. If it helps, we can turn up the music so you feel like you have your own personal soundtrack.

Now that I think about it, we should just do that anyway. That would make test rides even more fun!

Shop miscellany
Written by Travis Prebble   
Monday, 02 November 2009 09:49

We have some new items in the shop. Some of them for purchase, some of them not. Okay, I'll come clean. There are only three things mentioned in this post, one of which has almost no interest to anybody who isn't into display hardware. I'll save that one for last.

First up are our new RBR logo panniers. These new bags are adjustable for nearly any rack and feature a spacious interior with an external mesh pocket for those items you want to get to quickly. Check them out next time you're in the shop.

The new RBR logo pannier :: The new RBR logo pannier :: Back side with mounting hardware The new RBR logo pannier :: Back side with mounting hardware

Second are some Schwalbe studded tires we got in for the winter season. Fortunately, the weather has not yet turned enough to test these out, but there's a multi-use path nearby that freezes over quite nicely every year. And most of it is an incline. Truly, there will be no better testing ground.

Schwalbe studded tires :: Schwalbe studded tires ::

Finally, here's the bit you likely won't care much about. While at Interbike, we placed an order for some new bike display racks, and they came in about a week and a half ago. These photos are of some of our short wheelbase bikes on them, but we've also mounted long wheelbase using these.

Yay. Bike racks. :: We like them. Yay. Bike racks. :: And this is a Challenge Hurricane. Photos of it will come later.

So that's a quick look at what's new around the shop.

Longbike Slipstream shots in the dark
Written by Travis Prebble   
Sunday, 01 November 2009 23:09

The days grow ever shorter and cooler here in the northeast US. It is a time when photographers who are stopping by the shop on their way home from their day jobs run into the dilemma of shooting new photos in sub-optimal lighting conditions.

So what better scenario than to shoot a black long wheelbase Longbikes Slipstream in the dark and hope the flash works well? I can think of none better, and I've done just that. But to spruce it up a bit, I've done so on a bed of fall leaves.

I'd claim that last bit was a pun, but a spruce is a coniferous evergreen.

Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream :: Longbikes Slipstream ::

It took how long? An RBR Rally 2009 video!
Written by Travis Prebble   
Thursday, 22 October 2009 07:33

Chances are that you expected video from the 2009 RBR Rally to show up in, say, June. Or maybe July. August would be pushing it. September is unreasonable.

Which is why I'm both proud and shamed to present 5 whole minutes of video from the 2009 Rally. In October. Late October.


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RBR storefront

1306 S. Atherton St.
State College, PA 16801
(814) 234-4636

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SUN Closed

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