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RBR Blog
Does it seem odd that people who work in a recumbent shop also spend their time being fans of recumbents?  It shouldn't. Does it seem like maybe we have better things to do? Perhaps. But the nice thing about having a blogger on staff who is terrible at builds is that he then spends his free time digging up news nuggets and drawing attention to the bikes and trikes we love so dearly.

Interbike Day 3
Written by Travis Prebble   
Thursday, 24 September 2009 03:59

After yesterday's sparse report, we've got loads to say about the first day of the indoor expo. Our first target was ICE, but on the way there we ran into Randy Schlitter at the test track where he was watching over a Trizard. A Trizard with mounted panniers. Hmmmm. We didn't make it to the RANS booth today.

Interbike Day 3 :: Randy Schlitter of RANS (on the right) Interbike Day 3 :: The RANS Trizard, with panniers

We did, however, make it to the ICE booth where we learned all kinds of stuff. The 2010 models do not have a solid release date yet, only "some time in 2010". Don't look for these in the first quarter. But here is what's known. There are three models: the Adventure, the Sprint, and the Vortex. All three trikes feature the new ICE Trice folding mechanism which is a thing of beauty. We were asked not to shoot video of it, and we complied, but believe me when I say that the ease and speed of folding will have you wondering if its time to sell your current trike.

ICE has simplicity as a goal next year. They are reducing the product line from the mix of Q, QNT, T, TNT, and the varieties of stock colors to three trikes with one color each. This allows for a much clearer marketing message and a reduced headache for dealers who like to stock all the available models.

The Adventure, in blue, is the basic model. The Sprint is the mid-range model with suspension. The Vortex is the speed machine with a 700c rear wheel. Its black and red detailing is certainly striking.

Interbike Day 3 :: ICE Interbike Day 3 :: ICE Interbike Day 3 :: ICE Interbike Day 3 :: ICE Interbike Day 3 :: ICE Interbike Day 3 :: ICE Interbike Day 3 :: ICE Interbike Day 3 :: ICE Interbike Day 3 :: ICE Interbike Day 3 :: ICE Interbike Day 3 :: ICE Interbike Day 3 :: ICE Interbike Day 3 :: ICE Interbike Day 3 :: ICE Interbike Day 3 :: ICE

Joining us was Pat Franz of TerraCycle. He pulled us off to the side and dug into his bag of TC goodies to show us a few items. I took a photo, but no notes, so you're going to have to guess what it is you're seeing. The mystery is part of the fun, right?

Interbike Day 3 :: TerraCycleInterbike Day 3 :: TerraCycle

I've got more to post, but it's 2AM. I need sleep. But here's what's coming in the followup, which will end up being the Day 4 report - Draftmaster, Triton, and Hase.

There are more Day 3 photos available at our Facebook page.

RBR customer reviews the Trizard
Written by Travis Prebble   
Wednesday, 23 September 2009 03:24

Tom (aka steamer) is a loyal RBR customer. How loyal? He bought a Trice, then sold it and bought a Kettwiesel and a Trizard.

But then he took things to the next level and wrote an in-depth review of the RANS Trizard. Give it a read!

Tagged underranstrizardreview
Day 2 at Interbike
Written by Travis Prebble   
Tuesday, 22 September 2009 22:51

We headed back to the Outdoor Demo today, but there was little new to see aside from the recumbent conversion of the KidzTandem bike. The KidzTandem bike has had a recumbent version for a while now, but what makes this unique is that it can be converted from recumbent to upright and back again.

This particular revision of the semi-recumbent is still undergoing some design. The seat, for example, is a stock Sun seat with a single support. It had a noticeable lateral wobble that was acknowledged by the German producer of the bike. I also suggested changes to the seat that would allow for lateral trunk supports for those kids who have upper body control issues. The builder also mentioned the addition of chain tubes for the final version and the optional incorporation of a stoker freewheel.

To reiterate from yesterday's report, the stock tandem is $1950 with the recumbent conversion adding another $1000.

Interbike Day 2 :: KidzTandem Semi-Recumbent Interbike Day 2 :: KidzTandem Semi-Recumbent Interbike Day 2 :: KidzTandem Semi-Recumbent Interbike Day 2 :: KidzTandem Semi-Recumbent Interbike Day 2 :: KidzTandem Semi-Recumbent Interbike Day 2 :: KidzTandem Semi-Recumbent Interbike Day 2 :: KidzTandem Semi-Recumbent

And.... That was it for recumbents for day 2. We should have a ton of stuff to post tomorrow night after spending a day at the indoor portion of Interbike. Until then, enjoy these random photos from the Outdoor Demo and us goofing around at Madame Tussauds.

Interbike Day 2 :: Bill gets his badge Interbike Day 2 :: The line for the Outdoor Demo bus Interbike Day 2 :: The line for the Outdoor Demo bus Interbike Day 2 :: Outdoor Demo tent city Interbike Day 2 :: Rob and Bill, still fresh Interbike Day 2 :: Rob trying not to look Interbike Day 2 :: The Kenda trail gateway Interbike Day 2 :: This is what happens to a wedgie seat after an around the world ride Interbike Day 2 :: She is on a 7 year journey around the world Interbike Day 2 :: Unibiking Interbike Day 2 :: The Rotor Q 3D Interbike Day 2 :: Rob and Johnny go way back Interbike Day 2 :: I'm giving it 24 hours. Then we're getting it annulled.

Day 1 at Interbike
Written by Travis Prebble   
Tuesday, 22 September 2009 02:38

Today was the first day of Interbike in sunny, oh so sunny, holy crud it's sunny Las Vegas. It was a bad day to be a bald man who forgot to bring a hat.

It was also a bad day for recumbents at the Outdoor Demo. We originally looked forward to seeing RANS, Hase, and J&B Importers (Sun) at the demo, but in the end, only J&B had a presence. Having spent a few hours there, I can understand why. The outdoor demo is all about mountain bikes, what with the MTB trail, the ubiquitous dirt and gravel bed, and almost no good place to actually ride a recumbent.

Still, I have to think that Hase's Kettwiesels could have done well in that environment.

But there were diamonds in the literal rough. First up was NuVinci with their variable hubs. Not much new to learn there, but they did have their cross-section cut hub on display and were showing off a DF with a NuVinci hub and a Gates carbon drive.

Interbike Day 1 :: NuVinci Interbike Day 1 :: NuVinci Interbike Day 1 :: NuVinci

Next was the KidzTandem bike. I've followed this company for a while as part of my research for BikeAble. I've always been interested in them as a solution for kids unable to bike on their own due to mild balance or other slight physical issues. It was great to meet the owner, take a tandem out for a ride, and learn all about their semi-recumbent conversion kit. Unfortunately, the kit wasn't available today, so all I could do was take photos of where it mounts. KidzTandem said they'll have the conversion kit on hand tomorrow. The normal KidzTandem bike goes for $1950. The recumbent conversion adds another $1000.

Interbike Day 1 :: KidzTandem Interbike Day 1 :: KidzTandem

Around the bend was Day 6 and owner Kelly Hutson. We stopped in mostly because we have a Day 6 electric conversion coming up and wanted to take some notes, but also because we've all really enjoyed the Day 6 we got in the shop per a customer request. We're thinking of stocking them.

Interbike Day 1 :: Day 6 Interbike Day 1 :: Day 6 Interbike Day 1 :: Day 6

We found J&B Importers among a sea of dusty DFs (to be fair, everything was dusty) with the only recumbents at the demo. They had an E-1, Tomahawk, Tour Easy LE, and USX on hand. The E-1 was sporting Sun's new recumbent comfort seat, which even they admitted might lack the ventilation necessary for the 100 degree heat of the Nevada desert.

Interbike Day 1 :: J&B Importers Interbike Day 1 :: J&B Importers Interbike Day 1 :: J&B Importers Interbike Day 1 :: J&B Importers Interbike Day 1 :: J&B Importers Interbike Day 1 :: J&B Importers Interbike Day 1 :: J&B Importers Interbike Day 1 :: J&B Importers Interbike Day 1 :: J&B Importers Interbike Day 1 :: J&B Importers Interbike Day 1 :: J&B Importers Interbike Day 1 :: J&B Importers

Nothing too exciting up to that point. But then we stopped by the Rotor booth to follow up on the discontinuation of their Rotor crank triple. Yes, it's off the market. The last full production run failed to sell, so they've seen the writing on the wall and pulled the triple. But wait, what's that? The person with whom we were speaking turns out to be Phillip Lucas, a former designer for Optima responsible for the Cougar. We got out of him some opinions on Optima vs. Challenge, why he left Optima, and what the future holds for Rotor cranks and recumbents. According to Phillip, a lighter "super" Rotor crank is on the way. I managed to snag a bit of video of Phillip, though I apologize for the sounds - noisy crowds plus strong winds equals a workout for in-camera mics.

Interbike Day 1 :: Rotor Bike Components Interbike Day 1 :: Rotor Bike Components Interbike Day 1 :: Phillip Lucas of Rotor Bike Components

And that rounds up day 1 of Interbike for RBR! We'll be heading back out tomorrow to follow up more with Day 6. After that, it's indoors to the Sands Expo and the big show. Here's a sneak peek of things as they were being set up today.

Interbike Day 1 :: Inside the Sands Expo Interbike Day 1 :: Inside the Sands Expo Interbike Day 1 :: Inside the Sands Expo

We went, we saw, we biked Bike Philly
Written by Travis Prebble   
Friday, 18 September 2009 13:50

Things have been a little crazy this week preparing for the RBR trip to Vegas, so our photos from Bike Philly have been languishing a bit. The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia invited us down for the ride, so we packed up 8 people and headed to Philly. Two of those were my wife and youngest son (too young to be on the ride), so we only have photos of some of the crew.

The ride was beautiful with perfect weather (a nice, cool morning) and car free city streets. I recommend this ride to everybody every year, so it was nice to go out with people I knew. It's a 3.5 hour drive from RBR, but it's worth it.

RBR @ Bike Philly :: Alycia and Rob, ready to ride RBR @ Bike Philly :: Bill is the RBR Rally route master RBR @ Bike Philly :: Gareth (stoker) and Travis (your humble blogger) mug for a morning shot

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1306 S. Atherton St.
State College, PA 16801
(814) 234-4636

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